Internet & broadband
The Internet subscriber base is 324.95 million at the end of September 2015 is comprised of Broadband Internet subscribers’ base of 120.88 million and Narrowband Internet subscriber base of 204.07 million.
The broadband Internet subscriber base grew by 11.05 percent from 108.85 million at the end of June 2015 to 120.88 million at the end of September 2015. On the other hand, the narrowband Internet subscriber base declined by 3.09 per cent from 210.57 million at the end of June 2015 to 204.07 million at the end of September 2015.
Top five broadband (wired+wireless) service providers in term of subscribers are Bharti (28.19 million), Vodafone (23.78 million), Idea (19.60 million), BSNL (18.94 million), and Reliance Communications Group (11.04 million).
A total of 819 private satellite TV channels have been permitted by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) for up-linking only/downlinking/up-linking, as on 30th September 2015.
There were a total of 252 Pay channels as reported by the broadcasters as on 30.06.2015. During the quarter ending September, 2015, three new pay channels i.e Colors Infinity HD, Colors Infinity and Zee Café HD were launched.
During the quarter one channel namely ‘The MGM’ was temporary suspended. Further, during the quarter, the transmission mode of two channels namely VH 1 and comedy Central, were changed from SD to HD. Now, there are 254 pay TV Channels at the quarter ending September, 2015.
In areas served by non-addressable systems, the maximum number of TV channels carried in digital form, as reported by a cable operator (M/s Hathway Cable & Datacom Limited), amongst those who have reported, is 458. The maximum number of TV channels carried in analogue form, as reported by a cable operator (M/s Ortel Communications Ltd), amongst those who have reported, is 100.
The digitization, with addressability of cable TV sector is in progress, in a phased manner. It is planned to be completed in four phases. The cut-off date for migration to Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems for the first phase, covering four metropolitan cities, was 3st October 2012 and for second phase, covering 38 cities having population more than 1 million, was 30th March 2013.
The cut-off date for third phase was 30th September 2014 and for the fourth and final phase was 31st December 2014. However, the cut-off date for third phase and fourth phase was further extended up to 31st December 2015 and 31st December 2016 respectively.
As on 30th September 2015, there are a total of 226 Multi System Operators (MSOs), who have been granted Permanent Registration (for 10 years) by Ministry of I&B and there are a total of 173 Multi System Operators (MSOs), who have been granted Provisional Registration (for 10 years) by Ministry of I&B for providing Cable TV services through Digital Addressable Systems.
At present, apart from the free DTH service of Doordarshan, a public broadcaster, there are 6 private DTH Operators. All these private DTH operators are offering pay DTH services.
As per the information submitted by the DTH operator through quarterly PMR for DTH services, total number of registered subscribers and active subscribers being served by these six private DTH operators, as reported to TRAI, are 81.47 million and 41.05, million respectively as on 30th September, 2015.
Apart from the Radio Stations operated by All India Radio, Prasar Bharati – a public broadcaster, there are 243 operational private FM Radio stations as on 30th September, 2015. The information therein is as received from MIB.
As per data received from MIB, as on 30th September, 2015, out of the 232 community radio licenses issued so far, 187 stations are operational.
The reported Advertisement Revenue during the quarter ending September, 2015 in respect of 236 private FM Radio stations was Rs 481.56 crores as against in respect of 239 private FM Radio stations was Rs 393.90 crores for the previous quarter. The figures are based on the details of Advertisement Revenue submitted by the FM Radio service providers to TRAI.