Speaking on the development, Partho Dasgupta, CEO BARC India, said, “Our intent was to make the whole process of consuming TV viewership data easy and on the go, with the launch of BARC India Mobile App we have moved a step closer towards that. I am sure that this easy to navigate BARC India app will give both our subscribers and non-subscribers great user experience.”
The BARC India has been created by Grey Global Group and its available in two versions: BARC India BMW Subscriber and Non-Subscriber. Registration is mandatory both for BARC India Subscribers and Non-Subscribers.
The users will be able to access top 10 Channels across genres: Gain/Loss over previous 4 weeks, Top 20 Channels by Genre, with Gain/Loss for previous 4 Weeks of impressions’000, relative share percent within genre, coverage percent and top 5 Programmes by genres: impressions’000 (Last 4 Weeks).