The progress
As per MIS, the percentage achievement has increased from 76.45 percent as on 30th December 2015 to 90.44 percent as on 15th February. Seeding by MSOs has also increased from 6.91 million to 12.43 million for the same period.
So far 695 MSOs have been granted DAS registration. 164 applications are under process and 240 applications have been received with incomplete information.
19 cases have been filed in various courts in the country for extension of cut-off date for phase III. Ministry is contesting all cases for immediate vacation of stay granted in these cases. Also ministry has filed a petition in the Apex court for transfer of these cases for immediate hearing.
340 MSOs head ends for the Phase III & IV have been inspected by Prasar Bharti so far. 109 MSOs head ends of these have been reported to be non-operational.
A point was made that MSOs should be given freedom to fix rates of STBs. However, according to TRAI representative, TRA has not fixed any price for STBs and emphasized that the conditions given in tariff orders issued by TRAI on supply and installation of STBs by MSOs to consumers have to be complied and there can be no compromise on the rights of the consumers.
Some MSOs who have not even applied for registration had filed case for extension in the courts and also cases have been filed by some MSOs who are not technically ready. According to chairperson, the stay granted in some court cases it should not be construed that the digitisation is put on hold.
He emphasized that digitisation is a reality now and cannot be stopped. He advised that broadcasters and MSOs should spread this message.
As per MIS report, the number of MSO dark areas have also decreased considerably. He directed to find out whether the MSOs who have been granted registration recently have placed orders of STBs.
According to representative of J&K government, some areas in phase III in the state still remain to be covered due to non-availability of STBs with MSOs. It was not known whether and when these MSOs have placed orders for STBs.
In Telengana only 30-35 percent phase III areas have been covered in the state so far and MSOs may require some time to complete their targets. While Hathway mentioned that they have sufficient stock of STBs, but local cable operators are resisting taking STBs from them for installation due to extension granted by various courts.
Siticable representative mentioned that they have large stock of STBs and are facing a problem of stocking the set-top boxes. Siticable have about 1 million STBs in stock. He remarked that MSOs were required to plan the procurement of STBs in advance which the newly registered MSOs appear tp have not done.
Andhra Pradesh have not come across any complaint of non-availability of STBs in the state, while in Uttrakhand there have been reports of non-availability of STBs in some areas. Uttrakhand government is holding district level meetings to implement digitisation in the state.
TRAI representative mentioned that in one court case, LCOs have been directed by the court to send requests for STBs to MSOs. He suggested that State Governments should seek data from MSOs regarding availability of STBs.
According to a Maharashtra based LCO representative, recently some DAS phase IV areas getting feed from control room in phase III area were switched off by MSOs. He added that digitisation is not looking at consumer, whether he can afford to buy a set top box particularly in phase IV areas. Chairperson remarked that entire digitisation is in the interest of consumers and it has to take place as per the timelines.
Chairperson advised that MSOs and broadcasters should not wait for the cut-off date for phase IV and should start working on interconnect agreements for phase IV areas. He mentioned that phase IV is not far away and preparations should go in full swing from now itself to achieve the targets.
He added that those who are yet to apply for MSO registration should apply now keeping into view that about 4 months are required for processing of applications. He asked the members to inform the MSOs to apply for DAS registration immediately.
An advertisement in newspapers is also being issued for registration of MSOs for phase IV areas. In addition MSOs must also prepare themselves on the STB front. He also stressed upon the issue of MSOs continuing with their seeding activity as the ministry has already moved the courts for transfer of all petitions in State High Courts, for vacation of stays granted. It was imperative that the remaining areas of phase III be covered early.