The thought of CarDekho came up when two brothers from Jaipur – Amit Jain CEO and Co-Founder and Anurag Jain COO and Co-Founder CarDekho decided to go out-of-the way and innovate in the online automobile space. The idea struck post their visit to Auto Expo 2008, and foundation of the portal was laid in March 2008. An initiative towards providing quality information in a quality environment, one of the biggest assets that a person owns in his lifetime.
Speaking exclusively to IndianMediaBook at IAMAI’s 2nd Start-up Summit Jaipur, Amit Jain said, “The scope is really very huge in non-tier I cities. The cost of running a start-up in tier II cities in very low, thus I would recommend people to come to cities like Jaipur and open a start-up.”
“The talent is unlimited here, especially in the field of engineering, as there are about 20 engineering colleges around Jaipur. You have to identity the correct talent, attrition is also much lower because competition is less and there is an opportunity to create your own culture,” opined Jain.
However Jain expressed that in non-tier I cities, hiring for senior positions is a little challenging, as it is very difficult to excite people and convince them to relocate to these regions. But according to Jain, challenges can be managed and at CarDekho they are managing it quite well.
Sharing his experience, Jain mentioned that he failed 9 times before tasting the success of CarDekho. According to Jain, one should learn from failures, as it will make you stronger. He also believes that it is very important to believe in your team and to keep them motivated. He opined that it doesn’t matter how big or small your success is, you should celebrate each and every success.
“PM Narendra Modi’s start-up action plan is great, and I wish it was there when I started. After successfully achieving the $1 billion mark, now my entrepreneurial vision is to build a $10-billion company,” added Jain.