Talking exclusively to IndianMediaBook, Sowmya Iyer, CEO, Xebec Digital, said, “Today’s individual is aspiring and does not mind giving up health on occasions to meet daily targets and achieve dreams. But there is always a room to compensate by making those smart choices. That’s where GAIA wanted to fit in.
The idea behind #ThingsYouGiveUp campaign was to make people realize that in this faced-paced life, health knowingly unknowingly does take a beating. We wanted people to realize the things they had given up on the pursuit of their career goals.”
The campaign was run Pan India and executed in one phase. It witnessed people pour in personal realisations on how they have ignored important aspects of their health in pursuit of their career goals using hashtags #ThingsYouGiveUp and #GaiaGoodHealth which trended on social media.
The traffic to the campaign came through content marketing on various news websites, health and lifestyle websites
The contest was designed in a way that people started realizing how they neglect health. The brand started receiving stories of confessions and resolutions to walk the path to good life.
Gaia’s handle started receiving tweets like “Skipped breakfast to make it to work on time”, “Gave up Zumba lessons for studies” and “Gave up spending time with my family for work”, among others.
This created a social chatter with the brand handle receiving 35,804,506 impressions, 4,708 tweets, 2,675 mentions and 700 retweets.
“The most important thing that the campaign did was — it made people think, and reflect on what they have given up. So in a way– it wasn’t the brand being preachy and asking people to take care of their health. It was the people talking to each other and sharing their realizations on how they ignore their health in daily life.
Since Gaia was the facilitator of this outpour of realizations, Gaia subtly but very powerfully reinforced its position as a brand that is committed to people’s good health and healthy living.”, added Sowmya
The brand further plans to carry forward the campaign into phase two. Now that India has shared realizations, phase two will make people act on these realizations through tangible next steps. That’s what the campaign will facilitate.