Aimed at showcasing the actual side of LGBT community and taking content beyond stereotypes in India, recently the Creative Gypsy rolled out web-series titled All About Sec-377. According to Amit Khanna, Director, LBGT community is not depicted in the right way in our society. Thus he felt it was important to tell their story, share their feeling and mind frame.
Khanna believes that the LGBT community is being neglected and side lined by our society. There have been a lot of conversations and up’s and down’s after certain laws were passed on homosexuality.
Speaking about the concept, Khanna said, “I wanted to make an attempt to cover it all in a humorous and emotional manner and open everyone’s eyes to the reality of a gay person’s life. Hence, my newest direction, All about Section 377 is a web-series which is about freedom of love – love in its purest form. The webseries is a light and fun representation of the dilemmas faced by homosexuals. It takes a light hearted look at gay couples’ life as seen through the eyes of straight homophobic man.”
What is Section-377?
According to section 377 of the Indian Penal Code sexual activities against the order of nature including homosexual acts are criminalised.
However, on 2nd July 2009, the High Court of Delhi decriminalized with respect to sex between consenting adults. Later on 12 December 2013, that judgement was overturned by the Supreme Court of India with the Court holding that amending or repealing Section 377 should be a matter left to Parliament, not the judiciary.
Recently, on 2ndFebruary 2016, the final hearing of the curative petition submitted by the Naz Foundation and others came for hearing in the Supreme Court. The three-member bench headed by the Chief Justice of India T. S. Thakur said that all the 8 curative petitions submitted will be reviewed afresh by a five-member constitutional bench.
All About Sec-377 is a story of homophobic man and how his perceptions changes after spending some time with homosexuals and knowing them closely
This 8 episodic web-series tells the story of a Delhite Suresh Chaudhary played by Gulshan Nain who came to Mumbai to try his luck in modelling and acting. He joins his cousin renowned Gay photographer RohitMehra portrayed by director Amit Khanna himself.
Mehra lives with his bi-sexual boyfriend SiddharthJuneja played by AnkitBhati and domestic helper Chhotu played by Mustafa Shaikh. Apart from this, series contains lots of supporting but yet interesting characters such as Mehra’s lesbian assistant Surbhi and his Gay make-up artist and to add glamour quotient Fiza is there to entertain audience.
“I feel our web-series can connect to each and every individual of any age or from anywhere in the world since love is a universal feeling i also feel everyone must understand this and everyone must watch the series, we have focused more on our content we have faith in it and hence we are sure through word of mouth it would spread”, opined Khanna.
The USP is its characters, the topic and its execution. Khanna informed that the way this web-series has been portrayed is unimaginable – light hearted, fun and at the same time so effective.
Watch making here:
Amit Khanna is making is acting debut with this web-series. There were two major challenges, firstly the sponsors coming on board and secondly actors opting to be part of the film due to its controversial topic and homosexuality are still considered as a Taboo in India.
“Rohit’s character again is very complex and layered, he is bitchy, emotional, loud as well as homely, it was important that we depict the nuances well but not go overboard, many actors shied away to play a gay character so as the writer i felt i must cast myself, which i feel scared me initially but with everyone’s support i knew ill manage. So yes I made my acting debut through the Web-series”, expressed Khanna.
Since Suresh is just a homophobic straight character casting of Gulshan was not that tought, but to find the rest of the cast was a challenge. The Creative Gypsy conducted several auditions and found Ankit Bhatia and Mustafa.
The Creative Gypsy has already rolled out 5 episodes of the series followed by a video of its making. In next three episodes, this web-series will be concluded and since, the response is terrific, Khanna mentioned that very soon second season will be launched.
At the moment The Creative Gypsy is gearing up for its next hard hitting web-series and short stories, which affect India as a country. Khanna informed that each short film is award winning and audience would certainly relate to them.
“I am so happy with the way viewers have poured comments on the YouTube channel, it has been very motivating for the entire team. The series will see season 2 very soon. My next project is a web-series called Mere girlfriend ka boyfriend which is a ROM COM.I am also working on 2 more nonfiction Web-series”, concluded Khanna.
Fashion photographer and film maker, Amit Khanna has be honoured the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for his contribution to the Fashion Photography Industry. Apart from this he has been invited to attend the Cannes and NICE international film festival of France this may 2016 where his short film – An untold story of Paperboats is being screened and nominated respectively.