Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Telangana Government partners with IAMAI to setup Mobile 10X Hub within T-Hub

The partnership will enable mobile App developing startups in the State to help them achieve their full potential. This will be done by creating a structured program and allocating physical zones for specific support for each stage of App development. As per plan, IAMAI will also select Five App startups from the state and nurture them to produce world class Apps.
This exchange of MoU was part of a prestigious event on Monday in Hyderabad where the new information and communication technology (ICT) policy was unveiled.”
In September last year, IAMAI had launched Mobile 10X, which is the largest capacity building and ecosystem enabling programme for mobile apps. Mobile10X is a forum to nurture and grow the apps ecosystem in India by bringing together various stakeholders, fostering knowledge sharing, providing requisite inputs and resources, facilitating skills development support for  Apps developers to enhance their professional and entrepreneurial development and support establishment of requisite enablers.
IAMAI has also partnered with the Government of Karnataka and is already running a Mobile10X Hub in Bengaluru. This was the first initiative and IAMAI is also in talks with other State governments to support and evangalise App Development across India.
Source: IndianMediaBook - Digital